Level 2 - Hard-coding for the greater good

By the end of this level you should have implemented the view function for the game.

You can use this hard-coded board for testing your view function:

board : Board
board =
    -- Rad 1
    [ Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 1)
    , Cell Flagged (Safe 2)
    , Cell Closed (Safe 2)

    -- Rad 2
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 1)
    , Cell Open Mine
    , Cell Open Mine

    -- Rad 3
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 1)
    , Cell Open (Safe 2)
    , Cell Open (Safe 2)

    -- Rad 4
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)

    -- Rad 5
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)
    , Cell Open (Safe 0)

In the introduction you saw the intended HTML structure for this Board.

A few points to consider:

  • The board div has an inline styled width – this should be (number of columns * 20) pixels.
  • The board div should have an additional class corresponding to the state of the game:

    case model.state of
        NotStarted ->
        Playing ->
        Won ->
        Lost ->
  • The game-info--mines div should display the number of remaining mines (given that the player has placed its flags correctly).

  • The game-info--state div should show some short text portraying the state of the game. We used :), :( and B).

  • You can leave the game-info--time div empty for now. It will later on be used to show how long the player has been playing the current game.

  • If a cell has been opened and has neighboring mines, they should have the class cell--free-N, where N is the number of mines among the eight neighboring cells.

  • The cell div should also display the number of neighboring mines as its content.

When you are done, you should end up with this:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""