Level 4 - The game!

In memory, as you may know, the player opens two cards, one after another, and if they match they stay open. If they do not match, both cards are closed again. This repeats until all cards on the board are open. Before we start implementing the game logic, let's clean up a bit.

4.1 Housekeeping part one

Our deck of cards is a list of Cards and we will be passing them around in our program. Therefore, instead of having to write List Card everywhere, we want to be able to write Deck.

Also, in the game we will be matching pairs of cards with each other, and will need some way to distinguish between two cards with the same image. We will do this by saying that a card can be either in group A or in group B. Use a union type to achieve this, and add it as a field in our Card type. With this we can check if two cards are of one pair by comparing their id and group fields!


  • Create a type alias for our deck of cards.
  • Create a union type for representing the group of a card.
  • Add group as a field in our Card type

4.2 Housekeeping part two

By now our Main.elm file is getting quite big, so we should probably do something about that. It is common in Elm projects to have the application's model and associated types in their own file(s), so let's try that.


  1. Move all types and type aliases to the file Model.elm
  2. To use our types in Main.elm we also need to import them. This is done in the same way as we import the Html module (import Html exposing (..))

In addition to this, let's pretend we're famous TV chefs and cheat a little bit. We have prepared a module DeckGenerator that can be used to generate a deck of cards. Use this by importing DeckGenerator in Main.elm and using the DeckGenerator.static value as model's initial value.

Note on modules

A module's name must match its filename. For example:

  • Filename: GameLogic.elm -> module name: GameLogic
  • Filename: Models/User.elm -> module: Models.User

You must also be explicit with what your module exposes to the public by listing them along with the module declaration. For type aliases and functions you just list their names, but for custom types (union types) you have two choices:

  • exposing only the type (often called opaque types)
  • exposing both the type and its constructors.

When exposing only the type you list its name, but when you expose its constructors too you add (..) after the type name.


module MyModule exposing (MyTypeAlias, myFunction, MyCustomType(..), MyOpaqueCustomType)

type alias MyTypeAlias = { name : String }

myFunction : Int -> Int
myFunction number
  = number * 2

type MyCustomType
  = Foo
  | Bar Int

type MyOpaqueCustomType
  = MyOpaqueCustomType { name : String }

4.3 Game logic!

Our game implementation will have three states:

  1. Choosing - the player chooses the first card
  2. Matching - the player chooses the second card to match with the first
  3. GameOver - all cards are matched and the player has won

The game logic will flow like this:

  1. When the player chooses the first card he is in the Choosing state:
    1. Set all unmatched cards to Closed
    2. Set the chosen/clicked card to Open
    3. Go to Matching state
  2. In the Matching state, the player chooses his second card:
    1. If it matches the first card, then set the two cards to Matched. If the two cards do not match, set the clicked card to Open.
  3. If all cards are Matched, then go to GameOver state, else go to Choosing state

The Model of our program should now change from consisting of just a Deck to being a GameState. We also need a function that can handle the three different GameStates. It should have the signature updateCardClick : Card -> GameState -> GameState.


  • Implement the three game states as a union type called GameState
  • Implement the updateCardClick : Card -> GameState -> GameState function
  • Update your update and view functions to accommodate for the new shape of our model
  • Now take a minute and pat yourself on the back for making an awesome game in Elm!


The GameOver state does not need any extra data, but Choosing needs a Deck (the deck we are choosing from), and Matching needs both a Card (the card we are trying to match with) and a Deck (the deck we are choosing from).

When implementing updateCardClick there are a couple of things that will help:

  1. You can create a function closeUnmatched : Deck -> Deck that, as its name implies, sets all cards that are not Matched to Closed
  2. You can use the built-in function List.all : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool to check if all cards are are matched
  3. The setCard : CardState -> Card -> Card can be changed to operate on a Deck instead; setCard : CardState -> Card -> Deck -> Deck. This will fit nicely with using Elm's "pipe operator"
  4. The "pipe operator" (|>) is great when you have multiple functions that all depend on the result of the previous function. For example:
myString =
    String.toUpper (String.repeat 2 (String.reverse "olleh"))
-- myString == "HELLOHELLO"

can be written as

myString =
        |> String.reverse
        |> String.repeat 2
        |> String.toUpper
-- myString == "HELLOHELLO"

In short: myFunction myArgument == myArgument |> myFunction. This will prove useful with the updated setCard function.

  1. "Let expressions" is a way of storing intermediate values (kind of like variables). The above example can also be written as:
myString =
        reversed = String.reverse "olleh"
        repeated = String.repeat 2 reversed
    String.toUpper repeated
-- myString == "HELLOHELLO"

It's a way of saying "Let reversed and repeated be defined in the following expression but nowhere else".


Refreshing the page every time you want to play another game is boring, so try to add a "restart game" button in the "Game over" view. Hint: it is common to have a top-level value called init that contains the initial state of the model.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""