Level 3 - Beginner Program!

In this section, we will take our first steps towards learning The Elm Architecture (TEA), the architecture that inspired Dan Abramov to create Redux.

The goal of the section is to implement card clicking: all cards should start as Closed, and change to Open when clicked. Don't worry about Matched for now - we'll deal with that later.

3.1 Tea

We've made it this far without TEA because we have a simple, static web page. Now we want to start responding to user input, and TEA is the way Elm structures applications and handles interactivity.

Here you have two options:

Now that you're getting warm, we will be giving you fewer specific instructions and more high-level requirements. Use the workshop hosts if you have questions and don't forget to make use of the helpfulness of the compiler.


  1. Create a type alias Model that has the following type: { cards : List Card }
  2. Create a value init : Model
  3. Create the union type Msg with only one constructor: CardClick Card
  4. Create a function view : Model -> Html a that renders a div with our list of cards.

3.2 Stuff is happening!

Now, let's implement opening closed cards.

When the user clicks a card we want to get a message (CardClick) with the clicked card. We will then have to go over each card in our card list (in Model) and update the one that was clicked.

When this section is complete, you should see three closed cards, each of them opening when clicked.


  1. Add import Html.Events exposing (..)
  2. Add an onClick attribute on closed cards. This should send a CardClick message.

  3. The compiler will now complain about some type signatures. Read the messages and fix accordingly.

  4. Create a helper function setCard : CardState -> Card -> Card.

  5. As you may have guessed, this function should return a new card with the state of the passed card set to the passed CardState.

  6. See the docs on how to update a record.

  7. Create update : Msg -> Model -> Model

  8. Use pattern matching on Msg and open the clicked card

  9. Change main to be Browser.sandbox { ... }

  10. Read the docs to see what parameters it accepts!

  • To update an element in a list you can use List.map.
  • onClick : msg -> Attribute msg

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